is from the results of hot spots on the pan, the ability of this material to
eliminate temperature fluctuations greatly reduces the chance that this will
Ayurveda has documented the health benefits of
copper pots for centuries. The drinking water supply pipes were usually made of
copper, whose anti- germ properties were recorded. Water stored in copper pots
can eliminate E.Coli within 24 hours. It also helps combat water borne diseases
like Salmonella, typhus, Shigella spp., cholera and viruses such as,
Enterovirus and Hepatitis A.
Be it acidity, gas, constipation or
indigestion, copper water can come to your rescue. Copper helps cleanse and
detox your stomach to proper elimination of waste and harmful products. It also
regulates liver and kidney functioning and ensures the absorption of nutrients
from food.
5. The
functioning of the thyroid gland depends on the amount of copper you have in
your body. Thyroid problems can be caused by different things, but copper
deficiency is a major reason. Having a glass of water stored in a copper jug
right before a meal can help you strike a balance and help combat thyroid
is the main component in the production of melanin that defines the color of
your eyes, hair and skin. Melanin helps keep the skin from sun damage, speeds
up wound healing and covers up scars.
cookware is particularly valued in the kitchen when preparing foods whose
flavour and texture is reliant on carefully controlled cooking such as
high-quality meat and seafood. The excellent conductivity of copper cookware
allows you to better preserve the moisture inside these foods.
8. Copper peptides are slated to be one of the
best healing agents. There are a number of medical products that contain copper
peptides to treat wounds and skin damage. Copper peptides usually fuel collage
production. They are also said to improve the efficacy of antioxidants.
Drinking water stored in a copper jug can help you heal wounds quick.