Introduction of Pranayama-
Pranayama is one the activity in the Yoga. The Sanskrit word pranayama comes from the roots prana (Universal energy), and yama (to control). Pranayama makes practice on breath control.. Breathing is so simple and so obvious we often take it for granted, ignoring the power it has to affect body, mind and spirit.
With each inhale we bring oxygen into the body and spark the transformation of nutrients into fuel. Due to pranayama, we can achieve body and mind healthy Each exhale purges the body of carbon dioxide, a toxic waste. So the yogi mostly relies on his/her breath for the absorption, assimilation and manipulation of this vital energy.
With each inhale we bring oxygen into the body and spark the transformation of nutrients into fuel. Due to pranayama, we can achieve body and mind healthy Each exhale purges the body of carbon dioxide, a toxic waste. So the yogi mostly relies on his/her breath for the absorption, assimilation and manipulation of this vital energy.
Pranayama is also used in preparation for meditation, and in asana,the practice of postures, to help maximize the benefits of the practice, and focus the mind. Patanjali in his text of Yoga Sutras mentioned pranayama as means of attaining higher states of awareness, he mentions the holding of breath as important practice of reaching Samadhi.
Pranayama cures our body internally if you practice regularly. These seven pranayama are excellent breathing exercises for our healthy life and releasing stress and depression in fast life.
Pranayama takes about 50 minutes to complete the whole process of seven pranayama. According to experts these seven pranayama are enough to become healthy and fit.
Pranayama cures and prevents cancer, blood pressure, stress, anxiety, stomach disorders, depression, diabetes, heart problems and so many health issues and many more decieses.
Early morning is the best time to practice pranayama and after you take a bath. Wear loose clothes and sit straight.
pranayama as follows:
Pranayama –
Bhastrika is the excellent breathing
exercise which we can practice slowly or fast as per our convenience. A person
who is suffering from Heart problem and Lung problems should practice slowly
other wise slowly increase the speed of breathing.
- Steps for Bhastrika Pranayama:
1. Sit comfortably on flat ground. Those who can’t sit on ground can sit
chair because this pranayama is
related to the breath.
2. Take a deep breath through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air
and then exhale with hissing sound.
3. Inhale deeply and exhale completely.
4. Do this for 2 min to 5 minutes max and see the result in a few days.
Kapalbhati Pranayama-
Kapalbhati pranayama is very effective
in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many problems
related to stomach. Those trying to loose weight can practice Kapalbhati
regularly and see 100% results. lets see its benefits and how to do kapalbhati Pranayama.
- Steps for Kapalbhati Pranayama:
1. Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. keep the spine straight and
the eyes.
2. Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
3. Now take a deep breath and exhale with all your force so your
will go deep inside.
4. When you exhale with hissing sound try to think that your disorders
coming out of your nose.
Do not stress on inhaling. Inhalation
should not involve any effort. Inhaling will be done automatically after each
Repeat these steps for 5 minute and take
rest. You can increase the time for 15 – 30 minutes.
Should not practice very fast. Speed of
practice should be medium.
3. Bahya Pranayama:
In this pranayama the breath is kept
outside during the practice so it is called Bahya Pranayama. Bahya means
“outside”. It should be done after kapalbhati pranayama.
- Steps for Bahya Pranayama:
1. Sit in pose of Padmasana or Siddhasana.
2. Take a deep breath and exhale completely
(breath out) to evacuate lungs as much as possible.
3. Hold your breath and touch your chin to the
chest is called (Jalandhar Bandha or Throat lock). By pulling your stomach in
and up under the rib cage such that the stomach and back seem to touch each
other from inside. It is called (Uddiyana Bandha). Lift the muscle from groin
area is called (Mulabandha or Root lock).
4. Hold this three bandhas for some time as
much you can 10-15 seconds then breathe in deeply to release these three locks.
5. Repeat Bahya pranayama for 2-5 minutes
4.Anulom Vilom Pranayama :
It is very effective to purify mind and
body. Anulom Vilom pranayama is one of the excellent breathing exercises which
is also know as Nadi Shodhana. Regular practice offers energy in the body and
releases stress and anxiety. It should be practiced in the morning in the fresh
air with empty stomach.
- Steps for Anulom Vilom Pranayama:
1. Sit comfortably on flat ground. Those who
can’t sit, can sit on chair because this is related to the breath.
2. Now close right nostril with right thumb
and breathe from left nostril. Then close left nostril with middle and ring
finger and breathe out from right nostril.
3. Now breathe in deeply with right nostril
and then close right nostril and breathe out deeply with left nostril. Do the
4. Do this for 5-10 minutes.
5. Keep in mind that your breathing should be
up to the lungs and not in the stomach.
5.Bhramari Pranayama:
pranayama is the excellent breathing exercise which plays an important role in
releasing agitation, frustration and anger. It is the best breathing exercise
in calming your mind. ‘Bhramari ‘is the type of ‘Indian bee’ and ‘pranayama
‘means breathing. So it is called as Bhramari Pranayama.
- Steps for Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath):
1. Sit straight in the Padmasana or
Sukhasana and press your tragus with your thumb.
2. Place your index fingers on the forehead
and with the remaining fingers close your eyes.
3. Start inhaling through both the nostril
deeply and slowly.
6.Udgeeth pranayama:
It is known as “Omkari Japa” means chanting
of “Om”. Udgeeth pranayama is the simple breathing exercise. Should be
practiced on a daily basis like other 6 recommended pranayama.
- Steps of Udgeeth Pranayama:
1. Sit in a suitably relaxed posture.
2. In this pranayama the inhaling and exhaling
duration should be long.
3. Inhale deeply and while exhaling chant
Ommmmmmmmm for a long time as much you can.
4. In all pranayama the breath plays an
important role. So concentrate on your breath and feel the positive energy
comes when you inhale and negative energy goes out while exhaling.
5. Repeat this for 5-10 minutes.
7.Pranav Pranayama:
This is the last seventh pranayama. After
practicing all six pranayama concentrate your mind on inhaling and exhaling for
some time this is called Pranav pranayama. This is very simple breathing
- Steps for pranav pranayama:
1. Sit in Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana quietly.
2. Breathe normally and concentrate your mind
on inhaling and exhaling.
3. While practicing Pranav pranayama imagine
that God is everywhere in every particle.
4. Practice for 3 minutes to 1 hour as per
your available time.
of Yoga:
1. One can get great determination, focus,
and memory by practice of pranayama.
2. For over originating from
all-psychosomatic infections like hypertension, diabetes, sorrow, a sleeping
disorder and so forth.
3. Reduced
Breathing Rate
4. Pranayama Practice Increase Life
5. Improves Blood Circulation
6. Pranayama for Healthy Heart
7. Pranayama for Functioning Of Body Organs
8. Makes Better Mental Health
9. Better Breathing Improves Quality Of
Life in Old Age